Toplyne's Shopify Pixel
Use the following steps to add Toplyne's custom Shopify pixel to your website
Go into "Settings" in Shopify admin. In the left navigation go into Customer events
Click on the "Add custom pixel" button
Enter a pixel name, ex: Toplyne Pixel
Paste the code snippet generated in Toplyne dashboard or given to you by our CSM and click on save.
!function(e,t,l,n){||function(...t){(||[]).push(t)};let s=t.createElement(l);s.src=n;let o=t.getElementsByTagName(l)[0];o.parentNode.insertBefore(s,o)}(window,document,"script",""); tl('init', browser, init, '<API_TOKEN>'); analytics.subscribe("all_events", event => tl('track', event, browser, init));
Click on connect and in the modal asking for confirmation click on connect
In the customer events section, the custom pixel created should be visible with status "connected"
Updated 4 months ago